Monthly "Law of Attraction Club" meeting
Join us for our monthly"Law of Attraction Club" meeting
on Sunday, December 11,2011
from 2.00 - 3.30 pm
at the Lotus in Draper
"Understanding the Truth and Secret of the Law ofAttraction"
Specializes in inspiring and empowering people with affirmative tools, she finds her passions in helping each person create and live their dreams. Leesa has just released “Change is an inside job” Affirmative Hypnosis CD’s; Volume One “Affirmative Weight Release” and Volume Two “Body Dynamics/Self Confidence”; you can find both on Itunes or through Lotus and Inspiration Station.
In December, Leesa will facilitate our group to set positive intentions in 2012, through understanding the Truth and Secret of Law of Deliberate Creation.
Address: Lotus 12896 So. Pony Express Rd. Draper UT