Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Workshop series starting in Salt Lake City and Provo

Dear Community,

Quantum NLP is expanding fast as we are adding several new programs this year as more and more interest is being expressed to learn methods to increase consciousness.

Besides offering the QNLP Trainer Certification for the first time, we are also working on the QNLP Coaching Certification to help even more people to create a viable profession in bringing consciousness to the community.

To get introduced to the principles and specific processes of Quantum NLP you can start by experiencing the "Taste of Quantum NLP" workshop series, starting in two cities this week:

Wednesday, March 28th, in Salt Lake City, presented by our longtime associate and international Quantum NLP Trainer Jan Magner, and on Thursday, March 29th, in Provo, lead by Eric Tolman, Director of the QNLP Coaching Division.

For more information go to as well as our faceook event posting at!/events/392549457440000/

Looking forward to connecting with you again, I remain,

with best regards,


Christiane Turner and
Your Quantum NLP Team
Connect with me
Facebook at
Twitter at
For more information on training, consulting, coaching and products call (801) 979-4799 or go to

Monday, March 26, 2012

Quantum NLP now available as Coaching Certification

Neuro-linguistic programming refers to the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”) and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience (“programming”) and can be organized to achieve specific goals in life. The processes of Quantum NLP are designed to be deeply transformative. We are not just scratching the surface here, teaching behavioral skills and techniques. By including the basic principles of Quantum Physics, we are now able to touch people’s lives on the spiritual level and awaken them to a profound sense of purpose, which leads to greater social responsibility, as individuals raise their own consciousness and energetic vibration.
As they become more effective in their own lives (by creating balance between their personal, family and professional development), they naturally can make a greater contribution to their larger community.
A cultural paradigm shift always starts with a few people starting to think in a new way, and then, as that paradigm gets adopted by others around them, spreads to the rest of the community. For example, think about recycling. It’s now unthinkable not to recycle when the opportunity is available. And yet, twenty years ago, recycling was a foreign word to most people.
We as humans are now starting to perceive, that we live in a holographic universe, which means that our personal journey of transformation affects the larger system. We are all part of larger systems, like our families, our work environment, and our community. And, as we change ourselves, we automatically influence those people around us, who get to benefit from our transformation.
Reality happens on many levels at once, from the surface structure of physical matter all the way down to the molecular, atomic, particle, and energy levels. On the quantum level, we are talking about pure potential which means, in the context of NLP, observing reality on the level of Vision and Possibility.
Being committed to the “Path of the Visionary” at Quantum NLP, our greatest dedication is to walk our talk in all areas of life. I cannot sit in a session and be deeply compassionate towards my client and then go home and yell at my kids.
The principles and this way of thinking permeate all areas of my life and that my goal is to be the person shows up with the same integrity and vision at home, work, with my friends and my other communities. I know in my deepest core that Quantum NLP is offering valuable solutions in helping humanity raise consciousness to effectively deal with the global transformation that is currently happening.

Find the complete blog post at

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Free Seminar on March 27th

Have you ever heard of Napoleon Hill. Well... Check this out!

In 1938 just after the publication of the all-time best-seller Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote a manuscript that he hoped to title Master Key to Riches but it took a series of turns as he began to uncover the Devils Code, ultimat...ely forcing him to confess his secrets. The resulting manuscript proved to be so controversial, it was hidden away.

More than seventy years later, Sharon Lechter [co-author of all 14 Rich Dad Poor Dad books] brings us this important book, now titled: Outwitting the Devil which she annotated and edited for a contemporary audience. Hill, using his legendary ability to get to the root of human potential, digs deep to identify the greatest obstacles we face when challenging ourselves to our greatest goals. Those obstacles include: fear, procrastination, anger, and jealousy-ALL tools orchestrated by the Devil himself, according to Hill. Now it is your turn to break the Devil's Code for yourself in this short 1-hour session.

Delivered by Jane A. Herron, owner of Training Without The Travel, Jane A. Herron is an award-winning speaker—trainer—executive coach with 25 years of experience guiding executives, managers, small business owners and entrepreneurs in all 50-US states and 10 countries.

With a strong foundation of training, motivating and coaching participants from the platform with the most prominent Training & Development companies in the World: Covey Leadership, Career-Tracks, National Seminars, and Skill-Path Seminars, Jane is now the CEO - Chief Encouraging Officer of her own training and development company:

Training without the Travel is a 'take it with you' training program designed for busy entrepreneurs . . . young and old . . . and small business people. This is the perfect program for busy, results-oriented people who love learning and want a mastermind community to tap into.

Tuesday, March 27th, 7.00 pm at the Transformation Station, 3300 South 970 East, Salt Lake City, Utah

Hosted by Quantum NLP

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Watch the Slideshows of the EXPO 2012

Dear Community, Thank you for your love, energy, and support in making the EXPO happen again this year. The EXPO team is deeply grateful to all your contributions. Until the next time!

Exhibitors, Presenters, Visitors, Volunteers
Pictures by Karla Barrera
Edited by Max Turner

Morning Setup, Volunteers
Keynote Speech by Lyn Christian and Exhibitor Pictures

ENJOY! And make sure to be part of the EXPO 2013.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Check out the exciting Exhibitors featured at the EXPO this year

Make sure to RSVP on facebook at!/events/123063217798631/

Go to for detailed writeups on our exhibitors and learn about the many exciting ways consciousness can be raised in the community.

See you on Saturday,
